FBPRk' Cancel ~B~lack ~O~range ~Y~ellow ~G~reen ~P~urple ~R~ed Parameter Text %1S. List Boxes Live Concerts Non-Sorted Types Alpha-Numeric Rabbit Shows Grocery Shopping Caffine ~C~heck Boxes ~P~ost Boxes ~M~ail Boxes ~S~hipping Boxes ~C~ereal Boxes ~G~ame Boxes ~H~ot Label ~R~adio Buttons ~D~iscovery ~S~cience ~A~stronomy ~G~lobal Warming ~U~niversity ~G~eological Astro ~P~hysics Centered Static Text ~B~utton 12345 N String Input Input Line Dialog Containing All Sub-Views 'Hit For More Ordering Information. Serial #: DEMO VERSION Mark Brady, and Dan Linstedt Chico, CA 95927 P.O. Box 7271 By: Tri-Power Consultants (C) Copyright 1 January 1992 *QuickRez - Resource Generator Demo Ver 1.0 About QuickRez! ~H~elp Cancel Original ID:f Rename Resource ~H~elp Cancel ~R~efresh Rate 1-59 Seconds ~V~iew ~M~enu Bar ~D~eskTop Status ~B~ar ~O~ptions ~S~econds ~C~lock ON ~F~ormat ~1~2 hour ~2~4 hour Clock Display ~O~ptions ~H~elp Cancel Linked:No ~T~ext: Edit Static Text View ~H~elp Deleted : Derived : Sub Views : String Lists: Status Bars : Menu Bars : Dialogs : Resources : Total # Of Id Type ~U~ser ID's File Size : Resource File : Get Current Resource Info ~H~elp Cancel Ready To Print? Increment By: Start With : Renumber ~H~elp Cancel (Seconds) ~D~elay: Display: ~M~anual ~A~utomatic Slide Show4 Help Topics#Display the Index of the help file.5Accept and execute the choices offered in the dialog. Open the selected file. Get help on the current dialog.3Cancel the current operation offered by the dialog.&Accept the choice given in the dialog.'Decline the choice given in the dialog.+Display the main contents of the help file.,Display the Previously accessed help screen. System Information Commands More about QuickRez. Clock options, and settings.5Control the hour display differences. 12 Hour Format.1Determine if the clock's seconds should be shown.+Determine if the clock should be displayed..Location of the clock will be in the Menu Bar..Current resource file information and ID List.,The list of user ID's available for editing.;A window displaying all resources and their resource types.;Open a stand-alone resource file or one attached to an EXE.'Special Resource and EXE file commands.!View the ID's of a resource file..Append a resource file to an EXE (executable). Quit and terminate QuickRez.&Resource Handling Management Commands.9Mark a resource for permanent deletion from the REZ file.8Unmark the most previously marked-for-deletion resource./Make a copy of the currently selected resource.6Change the ID Name of the currently selected resource.1Test a resource, simulate a run-time environment.;Display resources in order from the currently selected rez.8Select Manual or Automatic for displaying the resources.1Code Generation System (C) Tri-Power Consultants.:Enter a unique CASE SENSITIVE string ID for this resource./Generate Skelatal TApplication PAS source code. Total # Of Resources: Resource File: View Resource File( ~D~emo Menu Bar Demo for QuickRez ~A~bout...d ~C~lock...e ~S~leep...f Get ~I~nfo...h Alt-I S~y~stem Status...i ~F~ile ~O~pen...j ~N~ewk ~S~avel Save ~A~s...m Shift-F2 ~C~losen Alt-F5 Change ~D~ir...o Alt-D ~E~rase File...p Alt-E ~R~EZ/EXE File ~C~opy REZ...r ~P~ack REZ...v ~M~erge REZ...q ~V~iew REZ...s ~S~trip EXE...t ~A~ppend EXE...u E~x~it Alt-X ~R~esources ~D~ialogs...w ~M~enu Bars...x ~S~tatus Lines...y String ~L~ists...z Sub ~V~iews...{ ~C~ode Generation...| Alt-C Stri~p~ Derived...} ~W~indow ~S~ize/Move Ctrl-F5 ~Z~oom ~N~ext ~P~revious Shift-F6 ~C~lose Alt-F3 ~U~ser ID List... ~H~elp ~C~ontents ~I~ndex Shift-F1 ~P~revious Topic Alt-F1 ~H~elp on Help ~F1~ Help ~Ctrl-F5~ Resize ~Alt-X~ Quit ~Ctrl-Enter~ Accept ~F10~ Menu ~Alt-A~ Absolutely! ~PgUp~ Find File ~Shift-Del~ Sleep ~Alt-Q~ Make Noise ~Ctrl-Del~ Delete ~Alt-0~ Thinking... ~H~elp Cancel/ Colors Demo Dialog( QRAboutDlogY QRAlterIDDlog QRClockDlog QREditStaticLabel? QRInfoDlog+ QRPrintDlog QRRenumberDlog QRSlideShowDlogy QRStringList QRSubViewInsert QRSystemDlog QRViewDlogl QuickRez Menu Bar Status Line ~H~elp